Extend Open Journal System functionality with OJS Plugin Development
Open Journal Systems (OJS) is an open source journal management system developed in PHP language with MySQL as a database. As it is called open source, anyone can change the code of this journal management software to meet their own journal website needs. OJS has the best modular architecture, allowing anyone to extend the existing OJS functionality or implement new functionality without affecting the core files (so do not face issues with future OJS updates). To extend the functionalities in OJS, PKP has created incredible modular architecture. This modular section called Plugin.
At OJSCloud, we are experts in developing plugins to extend the Open Journal System at any level you need. We follow standard OJS website practices which do not affect your core functionality or files.
OJS Customization services
Customize Editorial Workflow
Do not compromise with your well defined workflow. In place adjust your journal management software to fit with your workflow. We can help you to change the editorial workflow in your OJS website to fit with your own workflow.
OJS Functionality modifications
It is not always possible that readymade journal software functionalities fit with your journal needs or journal websites. It usually needs some customization to specific functionality. Here at OJSCloud, we can help you to customize the OJS functionality as per your need or we can implement a new one by extending existing OJS functionality. In all of the above cases, it is assured that such customization should not affect the core functionality of the OJS and keep it future OJS updates ready.
OJS Plugin Development
Open Journal System offers modular architecture to extend the functionality. This modular section is called – OJS Plugin which is a small snippet of code. At OJSCloud we can help you in development of a new OJS Plugin to extend the functionality you want with your OJS Journal setup or add a new OJS feature which doesn’t exist anywhere.
OJS API Integration
Open Journal System offers APIs to expose OJS data to third party applications or collect data from third party applications to OJS Journal. API is a bridge between 2 different applications to allow one to inherit the functionality of others. Using OJS API, we can connect your OJS website to any third party services, applications or CMS to automate the data synchronization between them.
OJS Mobile APP Development
There are very few Journals who are using mobile apps for their Journal website. Here at OJSCloud we are working ahead of the curve and offering the OJS mobile app solutions to customers. Using mobile apps, not just your journal becomes mobile, but it helps you make your whole editorial process mobile to be accessible anywhere anytime. With decades of experience in mobile app development, we can help you package your whole journal into a small mobile screen for millenials who are mobile savvy.
Why OJSCloud for Plugin Development
- Decade of development experience
- Worked with more than 100 APIs so far
- Deep knowledge of OJS architecture
- Working on some interesting plugins to be launched very soon
OJS Plugins FAQ
What is a plugin?
The plugin is a kind of small-scale software developed by a third party. It is made for some specific task to enhance the functionality of existing large-scale software systems. The plugin can be used without changing the software architecture on which it is installed.
What is an OJS plugin?
OJS plugins are small-scale dedicated software developed by a third party to add functionalities to the OJS system. It can also extend the existing capabilities of the OJS. For example automatic certificate generator for reviewer/author.
Do the OJS plugins cause any damage to my journal website?
No, If standard OJS website practices and guidelines are followed properly by third-party developers, then there will be no damage to your default websites’ functionalities.
Why OJS plugins are necessary?
OJS is an open-source platform, which does not provide all the functionalities as built-in. Sometimes you will have to make compromises. To make your hosted website user-friendly you need to go for plugins.
Are these OJS plugins free?
Some plugins are available for free and for some, you need to pay.
Can I make changes to existing OJS plugins?
No, you cannot change it. Because you required the source code of the concerned plugin and it might not be open for all.
Can I create OJS plugins from scratch?
Yes, you can hire an expert third-party plugin development agency and develop your own desired plugin.
Is the development of OJS plugins free?
No, third-party plugin development agencies may charge you for developing such plugins. The amount may vary depending on the complexity involved.
Are OJS plugins compatible with OJS upgrades?
After each upgrade, you need to check the functioning of installed plugins. In case it does not work, please contact the plugin developer.
Do I need to pay again for the OJS plugin after the OJS upgrade?
No, You do not need to pay for the same plugins after the OJS upgrade. In case of major changes are needed to apply for compatibility, then your plugin developer may charge you for that.