
What is ISSN Number? How to Apply for Free ISSN?

Let us start with a very simple analogy to understand ISSN numbers very effectively: Many cars and other vehicles are roaming worldwide. There could be many similar automobile attributes for each type of vehicle. Let us take, for example, colors, make, model, version, body types, etc. However, to have better administrative control over the vehicle, it is compulsory to have a well-formatted unique identifier for each vehicle. We call this unique identifier a car number/license plate number/ registration number or any other.

Car License Plate 

The final takeaway is, when anyone requires information regarding any vehicle, it can be easily accessed via this unique identifier. This arrangement makes the management process very easy.

Similarly, the ISSN number is a unique identifier for any serial, making the information-grabbing task easy for its consumer and administrator. In this blog, I will discuss everything about ISSN numbers in detail.

So, What is ISSN Number?

ISSN number is an abbreviation of International Standard Serial Number. It is a unique identifier or unique identification number or unique identification code given to serials such as Journals, Newspapers, Newsletters, Directories, Yearbooks, Annual Reports, Monograph series, Magazines, etc.

The ISSN number system was first drafted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1971 and published as ISO 3297 in 1975. ISO subcommittee TC 46/SC 9 is responsible for maintaining the standard.

Throughout this blog, serial means following, which can have an ISSN number.

Serials Types
  • Magazines, 
  • Newspapers, 
  • Annuals (such as reports, yearbooks, and directories), 
  • Journals, 
  • Memoirs, 
  • Proceedings, 
  • Transactions of societies, 
  • Monographic series 

What is the use of the ISSN number?

  • It easily identifies or easily accesses any serials of the above-discussed types. 
  • It also helps the publishers to keep track of each iteration of published serials. Using ISSN numbers, backtracking, and referencing tasks become very sorted and efficient. 
  • If you are well aware of the word “research publication“, you know about the word “citation“. Each researcher or any particular body needs referencing from other published literature in the research industry. In such a scenario, the ISSN number makes this task very easy. 
  • Publisher’s point of view, the ISSN number is a very important and useful thing to have for published items. Because once you acquire the ISSN number for your publication, you get international publicity and recognition free as your published item is in International Serials Directory Database.

Who assigns the ISSN number?

ISSN Assignment

ISSN International Centre:

The overall charge of the related assignment and management activities is handled by “ISSN International Centre”, based in Paris, France. This central body is an intergovernmental organization. It was originated by UNESCO in 1974. It governs the various “ISSN National Centres” across the globe.  

This entity is responsible for maintaining the database of all assigned ISSNs worldwide. This database is known as ISDS Register (International Serials Data System). Many times it is also called as ISSN Register. This register is not open accessed; however, you can opt for the subscription for access.

ISSN National Centres (89 Centres):

This body works at the country level. Usually located at the country’s national or central library. They follow the guidelines of the international centre. This is the subordinate body of the ISSN international body. 

For example, an ISSN request from an Indian-origin serial will be handled by the ISSN National Centre, India (Located at India National Science Library CSIR-NIScPR, 14 Satsang Vihar Marg New Delhi – 110067 Email: Ph.: 011- 26863759).

What is the format of ISSN?

  • First, ISSN is to be written as a prefix.
  • 8 digit code will follow the ISSN.
  • The first 4 digits and last 4 digits are divided by “-(hyphen)”.
  • Out of 8 digits, the first 7 are integer types (0-9). The last 8th digit can be from 0-9, or X. X is called the “check digit“, used for error detection and correction methods.
  • We can summarize the ISSN format as follows: 
  • ISSN NNNN-NNNC (Where N=0-9 & C=0-9 or X means check digit)
  • For Example, ISSN 2348-1269

Which are the types of ISSNs?

Types of ISSN

Broadly, types of ISSN are categorized as follows:

P-ISSN or p-ISSN (For Printed Version)

Used for the printed form of serial. Example: Printed magazine,

reports, journals, etc.

E-ISSN or e-ISSN (For Electronic Version)

Used for an electronic form of serial. Example: Online journals,

Online periodicals, etc.

ISSN-L or Linking ISSN (For Linking E & P ISSN)

This ISSN will link e & p ISSN. It will be the same as the ISSN of the first published form. Using this ISSN, you can easily track both forms of published medium.

Note: If the same content is published in dual format (i.e. Print and electronic), they will have different ISSNs for Print and electronic mediums. For example, the International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews has a dual medium, so it contains two different ISSNs: (1) E-ISSN 2348-1269 (For Electronic) (2) P- ISSN 2349-5138 (For Print).

How to use ISSN for serials’ information retrival?

For this particular section, I would like to discuss 2 cases in which you can retrieve information about any serial with ISSN. 

Case-1: You have ISSN but not the name of the serial.

In this case, first, visit the website

ISSN Portal

Insert ISSN only in the concern textbox and select “ISSN” from the dropdown box, as shown in the below screenshot. Then click on “Search.”

ISSN Portal 2

Now, you will have all the basic details about the journal or any other linked serials with inserted ISSN.

ISSN Portal 3

Case-2: You have the name of the serial but not the ISSN.

In this case, visit the website

Insert the serial title in the concern textbox and select “title” from the dropdown box, as shown in the below screenshot. Then click on “Search.”

ISSN Portal 4

Now, you will have all the basic details about the journal if you have entered the correct title. From this process, you can retrieve the ISSN also.

Note: For retrieving the information regarding any serials, you need to have ISSN or its title. If you have the correct ISSN, then above said official portal of ISSN will eventually provide you with accurate information on the serials. By this method, you can check the authenticity of any serial.  

How to get ISSN?

To get ISSN in India, visit the official website of  ISSN National Centre, India, which is and follow the below steps:


Click on the “Apply Online“.

ISSN Application Step-1


Check the checkbox shown below:

ISSN Application Step-2


Now, the detailed application form will be opened. Please fill relevant information.

ISSN Application Step-3


After filling in the relevant information, check the shown check box and click on submit button.

ISSN Application Step-4


Take the printout of the generated pdf file and sign it. Attach one self-attested photo ID proof (of publisher or applicant) along with generated pdf printout. Send these two documents in one envelope to the following address via post.

National Science Library

ISSN National Center, India

c/o CSIR-NIScPR, 14 Satsang Vihar Marg

New Delhi – 110067

For Further Information:

Tel: 011-26863759


All in all, ISSN is a must-have for any serials, whether in print or electronic. ISSN will automatically grab the world’s attention for the authenticity of the published serial. In addition, ISSN makes it easy for the consumer to acquire information regarding printed or electronic content. It is helpful not only for consumers but also from the administrative point of view.

For acquiring ISSN, we at OJSCloud provide tailored services for your journal’s website. Our team has a success ratio of 100% in ISSN application acceptance. We design your website in such a way that your website will get ISSN on the first Attempt. Please click below to book an appointment.

How to get ISSN?

How to Get Free Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Step-by-Step Guide: Free DOI

If you are reading this blog, I assume you feel pain for paying a reasonable amount for the DOI (Digital Object Identifier). So, I am giving a surety that you will eventually get relief after going through below mentioned steps.

Before moving on to the steps for getting free DOI, I would like to introduce the involved stack holders in this process, which are stated below with a corresponding brief introduction. If you know about the below-mentioned, you can directly jump onto the steps.

Involved Stakeholders:

What is Crossref?

Crossref is an official DOI Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation. This is the conventional place for having the DOI facility. Anyone who wants DOI needs to be a member of the crossref with annual membership charges of $ 250 USD and $ 1 USD to $ 2 USD per DOI. for many publishers or individuals; these charges may be a reason for not having DOI. But the below three can provide DOI facilities for free. Let’s go through them.


What is ZENODO?

It is an open repository managed under OpenAIRE, created by CERN. It allows researchers to store scholarly articles and other documents in digital format. ZENODO allocates a unique DOI to each digital document, which can easily be accessed on WWW for a perpetual duration. And the good part about all this is that you have to be a member and will not have to pay a single buck for DOI.

What is OpenAIRE?

It is a European project supporting the Open Science movement. It is a technical infrastructure that gathers research findings from connected data providers. It aims to institute an open and sustainable scholarly communication infrastructure. This infrastructure is capable of overall management, analysis, manipulation, delivery, monitoring, and uniting all research materials. CERN operates it.

What is CERN Data Center?

CERN is actually an acronym of Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire. In English, it is known as  European Organization for Nuclear Research. At CERN, physicists and engineers are probing the universe’s fundamental structure. For this purpose, they have gigantic servers with huge computing power. They have a huge computing infrastructure as a whole. They do this by providing researchers with a unique range of particle accelerator facilities to advance the boundaries of human knowledge. CERN provides storage support to ZENODO for DOI.

Steps for Free DOI:


Type in the URL bar of the web browsers. You will have a webpage, as shown in the screenshot. If you have already created the account, click the “Log in” button; otherwise, click on the “Sign up” button.

Sign up
Free DOI Step-1


Now, you will have a sign-up page, as shown in the screenshot below. You can signup using Github or ORCHID account. Else you can sign up using your normal email id. I will signup using my email id.

Sign up page
Free DOI Step-2


An email verification link will be sent to your email id, which you entered during signup in step 2. Please find the email from zendo, and click on the link “confirm my account.” Now, you are registered in zendo.


After email verification, you will be automatically login into the zendo. If this is not working, try to log in again.


Click on the “Upload” tab on the topmost navigation bar.

Free DOI Step-5


Click on the “New Upload” button.

New Upload
Free DOI Step-6


Click on the “Choose File.” The browsing window will be opened. Please choose you desired file for which you want to create DOI. 

Choose File
Free DOI Step-7


After selecting the file, click on “Start Upload.” Watch out for successful upload under the progress column. Then proceed with the required data insertion steps below (Step 9 onwards).

Start Upload
Free DOI Step-8


Select “upload type” of the uploaded document file in step 7. In our example, we have publication. For research articles, select the “Publication” radio button and “Journal Article” from the dropdown box.

upload type
Free DOI Step-9


Fill in “Basic Information” relevant to the uploaded file. Like, as publication date, document title, author information, and description. I would suggest filling only mandatory fields for a faster process.

Basic Information
Free DOI Step-10


Fill “License” detail. This is for setting the access rights of the uploaded document. Do you want your article to be open-accessed or not?

Free DOI Step-11


After inserting the concerned information, click on “save.” In this step, you can also delete the inserted detail by clicking on the left side “Delete(Red Colored background)” button. To move ahead, click on the “Publish” button.

How to Get Free Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 1
Free DOI Step-12


A warning message will appear after clicking on the “Publish” button in step 12, as shown below screenshot. Read that text very carefully. If you agree with that text, click “I understand.”

Free DOI Step-13


Congratulation!!!! Now you are at the last stage. You can now see the DOI and the uploaded article preview in the right-hand corner.

Free DOI Step-14


Now click on DOI generated in the previous sep-14. A window containing “DOI Badge” will pop up. Your DOI information is here for your record. For the final check, please see below step-16

DOI Badge
Free DOI Step-15


How to check generated DOI is working or not?

Now to check, copy the DOI generated in the previous step. Paste it in a new browser tab. Write “” at the beginning of the pasted DOI “10.5281/zenodo.7498555”.

Your full DOI is “”

For a better understanding, see below:

How to Get Free Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 2
Free DOI Step-16

The above steps will generate the DOI with the zenodo keyword in each generated DOI. To avoid this problem, Click below

Get DOI >>


I would say DOI is essential to the research article’s life cycle. DOI is necessary to locate any document in WWW. However, DOI is not free, but with the help of CERN, ZENODO, and openAIRE, it is possible to have DOI for free. If you follow the above 16 steps, eventually, you will have free DOI for your digital object.


How do Open Journal System Themes Affect SEO?

When we started to build our services, our primary goal was to revolutionize the online research paper publishing industry. To fulfill this, we choose an Open Journal System(OJS) as a platform.

The primary Reason for Choosing the Open Journal System(OJS) is due to its incredible popularity in the research fraternity, as far as open-access journals are concerned. However, we found that the default themes’ (provided by the Open Journal System(OJS)) layout and structure are not that sound in terms of user-friendliness and indexing. 

open journal system themes

To solve the problem discussed in the above section, we went back to the drawing board and had so many brainstorming sessions for building a new Open Journal System theme. As a result of those sessions, we finally landed to the conclusion that we need to have a customized open journal system theme and a search engine-friendly user interface that can improve the hosted journals’ page ranking and reachability. 

Consequently, we started to build our own customized themes for the publishers’ open-access journals hosted on the open journal system, which can help their journals to rank high on popular search engines. These open journal system themes are readily available and require lesser time to implement. In case the client wants more customization from scratch, we also provide customized open journal system theme development.

How does Journal’s website affect the page ranking? 

Google Ranking Factors

Popular search engines like Google and Microsoft Bing have published, the factors they look for, in the public domain for developers. These search engines keep on updating the list of elements they always consider while allowing any webpage or website visible on their platforms. 

The website’s looks and feels play a very important role in reducing the bounce rate. Ultimately good user experience helps to hold the website visitor for a longer period of time and eventually enhances the webpage’s reputation according to search engine optimization guidelines. As the open source platform, the open journal system provides little attention to the themes. So, when a journal is hosted on an open journal system and wants to rank high, it requires changing the website themes.

Role of presentation for open journal system themes:

To build new themes we have used our decade of experience and learnings acquired while developing products for world-renowned content management systems. We specifically kept in mind the “power of powerful presentation” which can hold the visitors of websites and convert them into prospective clients.


One common understanding will be much more impactful over here, to explain, why presentation is important for online journals: We would like to put it like this, which kind of store will you choose to buy your groceries from? One which is unorganized and filthy or another which has organized sections of classified and relevant stuff!!!!!!!!

Obviously, everyone chooses a store that has well organized, clean, easy to access, and an effortless way to find the stuff. Customers will come back again and again to buy something and from a service provider’s point of view, he/she can build a long-term relationship with the client.

How do Open Journal System Themes Affect SEO? 3

In continuation with the above-cited analogy, We can confidently say that, when it comes to online resources or websites, the same things are applicable. Well-laid-out, organized, and interactive online open-access journal websites can generate huge visitor traffic. Consequently, this can increase the subscription ratio and benefit our publishers.

How do Open Journal System Themes Affect SEO? 4

On the contrary, some would say that an Open Journal System(OJS) is not a normal website for purchasing something. I would show positive agreement on this, however, I would definitely like to cite our personal findings about the factors affecting the impact factor of the journal, one of them is the “presentation quality”.

What are the factors that affect the page ranking of a website?

page ranking of a website

Mobile phone friendly

Other than website layout and user interface, in the modern era, your website must be responsive in nature. In other words, the website must be mobile phone friendly. Nowadays people are spending much time on the internet via mobile phones rather than laptops or desktops. Google also emphasizes ranking websites high, that have responsive architecture. To make the website responsive for each type of mobile screen, the developer has to go through rigorous brainstorming while the development phase.

Mobile phone friendly

Page Speed

The speed of the webpage is also considered a major factor for higher ranking by the leading search engines. The reason for this is very obvious no one wants to wait for a long time. Everyone wants quick loading of webpages, if your website failed to load very quickly, the user bounce rate will going to increase for sure, so the developer must take care of the optimized coding pattern. 

The more images are on a webpage, the longer it takes to load, so images must be compressed and minimal. Developers should choose the technic like lazy loading (Images load as the user scroll down rather than loading at once).

Apart from the above-cited parameters, our developing team constantly keeps eye on guidelines and key factors to optimize the hosted websites via the OJSCloud platform. During this routine exercise, our team found that Google put a lot of emphasis on factors, which are in our control. 

How does Journal Indexing increase the page ranking in search engines? 

How do Open Journal System Themes Affect SEO? 5

indexing is a much-needed and unavoidable attribute of any online resources because this backend hard work makes them very easy to access on the world wide web. The indexing of a journal is considered a reflection of its quality. Indexed journals are considered to be of higher scientific quality as compared to non-indexed journals. In addition, it works as a search engine for showing concerned journal articles with higher page ranks. To simply summarize, we can say that to make your journal popular enough you need to have indexing from reputed and well-recognized agencies.

Quality Manual

You can choose many indexing service providers such as Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar, BASE, Academia, and Copernicus. It is advisable to have multiple indexing to grab the attention of the wider research community. Indexing is not only the mechanism to generate more traffic but also the parameter of quality work followed by journal articles. 

Many quality-oriented crowds always search for better indexing from well-recognized agencies, and as soon as they do not find it, they might leave the website. As a result, this thing hampers our goal of incrementing the visitors-to-client conversion ratio. Any journal which needs better indexing is required to focus on the term “citation”, because when anyone cites an article from one journal to another article, it automatically creates the impression of some good work. When some potential user types some keyword that is related to the articles on some search engine, the journal that has many backlinks will be ranked on the first page of their site.

page Rank

The process of indexing will help the articles to get cited and increase their discoverability. We should not forget over here about the timeline, as you may not find the results immediately, but over a period of time, you will end up getting good results for the indexing. Search engines do not contain the understanding power as humans, instead, they rely on citation and indexing which ultimately apply rigorous assessment criteria to judge any new journal article.

The indexing of the journal is the most important point to be taken into account for many well-established and qualified authors because research funding agencies always look for higher impact and easy discoverability of published work. Ultimately, these two parameters for funding agencies totally depend upon the indexing. I think there are enough words to explain the importance of indexing in the world of research publication.

We have readily available SEO frindly themes. Please click below to see our OJS themes.

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Open Journal System


All in all online resources created for any motive can achieve it when they will be visible to someone who is the intended audience. This information-hungry crowd always starts to feed their knowledge hunger from search engines like Google or Microsoft Bling. So as a developer, it is unavoidable fact that they should design a particular website in such a way that they will be ranked higher and must be visible among the top 3 positions of the search result. 


What is Journal Indexing and Why is it Important?

It would be better to start with the basic analogy to explain the importance of journal indexing.

“There are so many car manufacturers that exist in this world and they all say that their products are better in material quality and safety. So, Customers have no clue about the reality. In this situation, independent agencies like NCAP, SAE, ARAI, etc. come into the picture to analyze each manufacturer’s products against their claim and release a report for the general population, which indeed helps the potential buyer to decide whether he/she should choose this car or not?”

The same thing is also applicable to online journals. As you know there are so many online journals out there and they all claim that they are best in their corresponding fields.

Now when it comes to selecting a journal to publish his/her research articles, the researcher may go into a dilemma. Researchers might get confused about choosing an appropriate publisher’s online journal for their invaluable research work. At this stage, the journal indexing comes to play the role of an independent referee to see if the claim made by the journal’s publisher is right or wrong.

So, What is journal indexing? (Let’s hit the bull’s eye)

What is journal indexing

Journal indexing is the conceptual measurement instrument, which measures the degree of goodness of an online journal. Basically, it sets certain standards and quality parameters for a journal to pass. The journal which surpasses the decided thresholds for qualifying can be called an “indexed journal(s)”. A journal index is also termed a ‘bibliographic database’ or ‘bibliographic index’

It is a well-organized list of journals, which is made based on a few considerations such as discipline, subject, region, and many more. Eventually, it can be used by the general public or research scholars to find concerning information on certain areas.

Index journals don’t only help to search the content but also attract many research scholars around the globe to publish their work in indexed online journals, as it makes the researcher’s research work impactful and visible.   

What criteria are important for any journal to get indexed?


Online journals or online open-access journals are gone under a rigorous homologation process to make sure that they fulfill certain criteria. All indexing agencies have their own set of judging parameters, but few are very basic for all. They are given below

How to index your open-access journal? What are the types of indexing agencies?


There are basically 2 types of indexing agencies:

(1) Public Indexing like Google Scholar

What is Journal Indexing and Why is it Important? 6

It is a popular scholarly indexing engine that crawls the web looking for scholarly publications: articles, books, reports, theses, conference proceedings, and preprints, among others. Google scholar identifies scholarly content, determines each item’s bibliographic metadata, and groups different online versions of an item together with this metadata in search results.

There is no need to register your journal with Google Scholar. Google Scholar will eventually find and automatically crawl the site. If you notice that your journal is not appearing in Google Scholar, there may be some issues that need to be addressed. You can find more details about it on Google scholar’s official website.

(2) Private Indexing Like Scopus, PubMed, EBSCO, etc.

Private Indexing

For your journal to enter a reputed journal indexing agency, you need to apply for the relevant firm. Upon receiving the request for indexing, the indexation team (often referred to as auditors) will pass your journal through the earlier discussed parameters. Auditors will crosscheck information such as;

  • A full listing of the editorial board on the website
  • The inclusion of ethics statements in published articles
  • Established appeal and retraction processes

Indexed journal vs non-indexed journal? What is the importance of journal indexing?

Indexed journal vs non-indexed journal

As a researcher, you always want your research work to shout for itself as much as possible. At the same time, you also want it to be credible for other researchers along with normal knowledge seekers, online as well as offline. So, as discussed at the beginning of this blog, it is good for any journal that someone else (indexing agencies) speaks for its quality. Such a mechanism makes them credible. Eventually, researchers’ published articles in an indexed journal get much better attention than in a non-indexed journal. Ultimately, for any researcher, the main objective is, to have more citations.

Organizations and research institutes are always insisting their staff/students publish corresponding research work in reputed journals which are indexed. Hence, the index of the journal becomes an important milestone for graduation/promotion/grant funding.

Why Journal Indexing is important for Open Access Journal?

Advantages of Open Access Journal

In the world of research, publication trends are now shifting towards open-access journals, which means these journals are not required to be subscribed to on a monthly/yearly basis. Instead, anyone can access them online. Observing the widely accepted trend in the research publication field such open-access journals keep on erupting on day to day basis.

Reasons for the popularity of open-access journals:

  • High visibility. Anyone can access and read your paper.
  • Publication speed. It is generally quicker to post an article online than to publish it in a traditional journal format.

Open access platform is good for the easy access point of view but at the same time, they also open the gates for so many unethical practitioners and bad guys, whose primary intention to establish the journal is to “earn money”. The such journal publishes the researchers’ articles without any kind of peer review process. Moreover, they do not check for plagiarism and committee copyright violations. 

For new researchers, journal indexing plays a vital role because it is very tough to identify which is good and which one is bad. They just put their hard-earned money into publishing, and in the end, they get a very poor result. Journal indexing is necessary in pulling out the best quality open-access journals from a pile of available journals in the ocean of the world wide web.

How to identify whether the open-access journal is indexed or not?

open-access journal

If an online open-access journal is indexed by any reputed agencies, they must include logos of such agencies on their websites. However, in many cases, it has been observed that low-quality journals are putting the logos of indexing agencies on their websites without any kind of authorization to show the affiliation. Journal indexing is always termed as a thing to showcase not to hide so journal indexing is very easy to find if it is available. 

In this situation, it would be always advisable to check the journal indexing status on the corresponding “Indexing Agencies official website” by inserting the journal’s name or ISSN number. You can find journal indexing using this way also.

What is the difference between journal indexing and impact factors of journals? Index of vs Impact Factor

Index of vs Impact Factor

By the shallow observation, you might reach the conclusion that both the things are same as they both recite something about the quality of the journal. However, technically both terms are not the same. It is very obvious that indexed journals in reputed international databases will have always a better and higher value of impact factor than the non-indexed. 

It is very important to know that many reputed journals do not have an impact factor even though they are indexed. By this deep observation, we can say that the impact factor is not the compulsory parameter to judge the quality of any journal. We can say that the impact factor is not the only sufficient parameter to judge the quality of a journal. It makes sense when it is coupled with indexing.

To get your journal indexed, please click below.

Get Your Journal Indexed >>
Journal Indexing


To conclude I would say, that journal indexing plays a very important role in assessing the quality of the journal. In the era of online open-access journals, where researchers have so many options to publish. In such a situation, indexing can avoid confusion about where to publish his/her research article.

for the publishers/promoters of the journal, it is always good to be indexed with reputed and worldwide accepted journal indexing agencies like DOAJ, SCOPUS, WOS, etc. on the other hand, for researchers it is always advisable to publish in indexed journals rather than non-indexed because former will make the research work more valuable and visible.


What is Free OMP (Open Monograph Press)?

How does OMP (Open Monograph Press) differ from OJS (Open Journal System)?

To initialize I would say, OMP (Open Monograph Press) and OJS (Open Monograph System) are kind of free or you can say open-source software. This software is developed and managed by PKP ( Public Knowledge Project). OMP is released under the open-source GPL v2 license.

PKP is an initiative of multiple universities to provide open-source software to the world research community, to bring scholarly publishing under one umbrella as far as the World Wide Web is concerned. 

PKP All Softwaresz

PKP not only has OMP and OJS, but it also provides software like OPS( Open Preprint Systems) and OHS (Open Harvester Systems). In this section, we will only talk about OMP.

What is OMP (Open Monograph Press)?

Open Monograph Press

It is a very robust open-source platform, which primary task is to avail the functionality by which book publishing tasks can become hassle-free. This software has a very good capability to manage and publish scholarly books. 

We have a dedicated expert team for OMP (Open Monograph Press) services. To make online book publishing tasks easy, click below to schedule a meeting.

Get OMP Service >>

To make the explanation very clear I am penning down the all functionalities heading below which are offered by OMP. In the later part, you will find detailed functionalities.

  • Overall book publishing management, which involves
    • Editorial Workflow, which involves:
      • Monographs
      • Edited Volumes
      • Scholarly Editions
      • Internal & Eternal
        • Review,
        • Editing,
        • Cataloging,
        • Production,
        • Publishing

OMP can also work as a stand-alone website with multiple functionalities like catalogs, distribution support, and sales support.

Which are the functionalities provided by OMP (Open Monograph Press)?

  • Different authors for each chapter handle edited volumes.
  • It involves stakeholders with no complexity like;
    • Editors
    • Authors
    • Reviewers
    • Designers
    • Indexers
  • The complex process of the internal and external review process is handled with ease. Even multiple rounds of review are easily handled.
  • In spite of being open-source software, it also incorporates services from the industry standards like ONIX, which is an expert in handling metadata requirements for major online plates like amazon. 
  • Log document libraries are also provided to manage submissions, recording contracts, and other permissions.
  • Proper thumbnail covers are shown in the catalog and Spotlight features so website visitors can be attracted to the particular book.
  • Fee-based service that provides the installation and hosting of OMP.
  • Daily backups of your data, 
  • Applying security patches 
  • Periodical upgrades, 
  • priority answering your support questions. 

How does OMP (Open Monograph Press) differ from OJS (Open Journal System)?


As far as the birth of these two software systems is concerned, they share the common goal of “Management of Scholarly Research Work & Publishing them online”. The area in which they operate to manage the resources makes them different from each other.

Both software originated from a common platform run by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), which is known for its non-profit nature and availing subscription-less, customizable various research-oriented software management systems. User can decorate their websites made by such platforms very easily and of course free of cost. This software holds the GNU General Public License (GPL v3) 

The primary goal of PKP is to initiate the OMP to make book publishing very easy for non-technical background people. It has a very simple and self-explanatory workflow.

OMP Workflow

The main focus of OJS is to grab the attention of the research community, spread across the world. It provides services to individuals as well as the institute to host an open-access journal with a simplified editorial workflow. As more than 10000 open-access journals already have been hosted using OJS, it is very popular amongst the research community.

What is Free OMP (Open Monograph Press)? 7


OMP is basically an open-source software, that is free for anyone to use with customization for publishing scholarly books online. It is developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP). Where the software is free to download or modify. Both software is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL v3). It is the one-stop solution for managing complex book publishing tasks.


What are Free Open Preprint Systems (OPS)?

To begin with the basic idea, I would say, Open Preprint Systems (OPS) and Open Journal Systems (OJS) are kind of free or you can say open-source software. This software is developed and managed by PKP ( Public Knowledge Project). PKP is a project of various universities spread across the world to provide open-source software to the world research community, and to bring scholarly publishing under one umbrella as far as the World Wide Web is concerned. This software primarily aims at digitization of research work to make it more accessible easily and without any subscription. 

Open Preprint Systems

PKP not only has Open Preprint Systems and Open Journal System, but it also provides software like Open Monograph Press (OMP) and OHS (Open Harvester Systems). In this section, we will only talk about Open Preprint Systems. 

What is Open Preprint Systems (OPS)?

What are Free Open Preprint Systems (OPS)? 8

It is a very robust open-source platform, which primary task is to avail the functionality by which preprint management of research papers can become hassle-free. This software has a very good capability to manage research papers that are not published.

For providing the above-discussed functionalities Open Preprint Systems uses the same software architecture just as Open Journal System (OJS). Open Preprint Systems manages the servers which hold the preprint of research papers, that are accessible online by the general population.

What is a preprint?

What is a preprint?

It is nothing but one kind of research paper in its draft form not in the final published version. Many times it happens that researchers want their novel ideas put in front of the world before it gets finalized. A research paper is a thing that cannot be finished in one go, it requires a lot of editing and a rigorous back & forth correction process. 

  • During its implementation part, a single research paper generates many versions, which are called preprints. 
  • A research paper that is accepted by editors but not published is also called a preprint.  
  • A research paper that is sent back to the writer for correction by the editors, is also called a preprint. 

Which are the functionalities provided by Open Preprint Systems (OPS)?

Functionalities and Capacities
  • Responsive reader front-end with multiple options for content organization
  • Author-led rapid publication workflow
  • Online submission and management of all content
  • Customizable to suit your screening policies, with several options included
  • Integrated with scholarly publishing services such as Crossref and ORCiD
  • Locally installed and controlled
  • Community-led and supported
  • Built-in support for a wide array of features from the OJS and OMP ecosystem
  • Available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, with more languages to come

How do Open Preprint Systems (OPS) differ from Open Journal Systems (OJS)?


As far as the birth of these two software systems is concerned, they share the common goal of “Management of Scholarly Research Work & Publishing them online”. The way in which they operate to manage the resources makes them different from each other.


Both software originated from a common platform run by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), which is known for its non-profit nature and availing subscription-less, customizable various research-oriented software management systems. User can decorate their websites made by such platforms very easily and of course free of cost. This software holds the GNU General Public License (GPL v3) 

The primary goal of PKP is to initiate the OPS to make preprint management very easy for people who do not have a technical background. It has a very simple and self-explanatory workflow.

On the other hand, The main focus of OJS is to grab the attention of the research community, spread across the world. It provides services to individuals as well as the institute to host an open-access journal with a simplified editorial workflow. As more than 10000 open-access journals already have been hosted using OJS, it is very popular amongst the research community. 

What are Free Open Preprint Systems (OPS)? 9

We have a dedicated expert team for OPS (Open Preprint System) services. To make preprint management tasks easy, click below to schedule a meeting.

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OPS is basically an open-source software, that is free for anyone to use with preprint handling. It is developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP). Where the software is free to download or modify. Both software is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL v3). It is the one-stop solution for managing complex preprints.


What is DOI and Why is it Important in Scholarly Publishing?

As you know, digitization is penetrating the whole world due to the internet’s widespread and unavoidable nature. It doesn’t matter in which industry you are in you need to know What is DOI? whether you want it or not, you will have to accept the influence and importance of computers and specifically the internet in your work/business/enterprise/organization/product.

Concerning the aforementioned initialization, it would not be early to point out the area of interest here: “what is DOI?”, and “research paper publication” to open access journals, which is far from digitizing. As a result, I would simply answer the question “what is doi?”: It is some arrangement/mechanism that makes the task simpler and easy to access the research document from the deep sea of the “World Wide Web (WWW)”.

what is doi?

You can also put it like this, to answer what is DOI? DOI will bring the research fraternity even closer around the globe. If you ask me, “is it compulsory for each and every digital document to have DOI?” My answer would be no. The reason for saying this is that, as of now, DOI is not mandatory, but it is much better. Attaching DOI with the research documents will boost your citation count and contribute more to the betterment of humanity. It is a win-win situation.

To summarize, it would be good to write here: “DOI resolves the problem of finding research documents online at the fingertips”.

So what is DOI?

what is DOI

It is a non-repetitive, and constant group of characters, numbers, symbols, special characters and words, linked with online journals, articles, books and many more intellectual digital works for a perpetual time period.

It works as a permanent web address just as a URL for research papers/articles/books, like any other website URL. By clicking on it, an authorized person can access the e-resources online very quickly, without thinking about other complexity.

So, I think we have had enough discussion over the answer to the question “what is DOI?” multiple times and you made your mind clear about the same question what is DOI? So Now we should know more about the DOI in subsequent sections.

What does DOI look like?

It is just like some type of hyperlinks, for example:

  • doi:10.1080/8585748585.2022.1770549

Which types of digital documents can have DOI?

DOI can be attached to;

Journal Details
  1. academic journal articles 
  2. research reports 
  3. governmental reports
  4. data sets
  5. books
  6. conference proceedings
  7. code
  8. media 

Why is DOI needed for research articles?

it is a unique dangling identifier for online research articles/books/papers, or documents. It is used for permanently citing the documents in the ocean of www. 

Why is DOI needed for research articles?

You may say research articles can be accessed via the publisher-provided link, but what happens if the publisher’s website may lose its domain or may find some technical problems in hosting?

In the above-discussed situation, the document cannot be accessed via the link provided by the publisher. In such a scenario, DOI is the only solution for accessing the document on the World Wide Web. DOIs make it easier to retrieve your digital document.

We can say that DOI is more stable than normal web links.

How to find DOI in an online research paper?

How to find DOI in an online research paper

Generally, you can have a DOI link underneath the research paper title, but this position is not fixed for each and every journal. Sometimes you can also find the DOI in the footer as well. It is totally dependent upon the journal management authorities where they want to place it. The only concern is that it must be easily visible to any visitor.  

What if you do not find DOI in a research article?

Insert relevant information like article title/author into the metadata field on.

find DOI in a research

How to get a DOI?

International DOI Foundation is responsible for managing the body of the DOI. Several DOI agencies have affiliation and homologation with the International DOI Foundation, the end touch point for the DOI creation. To get the DOI, you must find the service providers, such as OJSCloud, India’s leading DOI provider. They are the official sponsored partner of crossref (one of the registration agencies for the International DOI Foundation). It assigns DOIs to scholarly research publications.

OJSCloud is official sponsored partner of Crossref to provide DOI. Contact us today to get DOI.



To summarize, it would not be wrong to say that DOI is a very important and unavoidable mechanism for online research papers/articles, which helps to find them easily from WWW for an infinite period of time. In the modern era of digitization, not attaching DOI with an online research paper is just like shouting about your research work in the assembly of the deaf.


What is OJS (Open Journal System) and How Does it Work?

Any Open Journal System (OJS) is a valuable tool for better managing scientific content. There is no better way to advance globally than to be able to organize knowledge appropriately.

That is to say, then, that no matter how valuable a compendium of information is, if it is not organized, valuable work for humanity could be lost.

For these reasons, journal management systems are important in scientific development. Their importance also lies in the fact that the contents are rigorously reviewed to be published for the knowledge of all.

In this sense, the management of this type of knowledge is thanks to the existence of open sources to manage the information.

What is an Open Journal System (OJS)?

Open Journal system (OJS)

In an open-source system that allows us to manage, review, and organize all scientific content for later publication. Everything is handled by an editor located in servers to manage the contents better.

Open Journal System (OJS) is also a system that helps train people so that they can assemble their journals in a very professional way.

This is also important if you consider all the guidelines issued by Scopus and WOS. All these are the protocols to follow to take a scientific journal from 0 to publication and its ISSN.

Why is the Open Journal System (OJS) so popular?

The first reason is that the open-source system available for journal publishing is extremely easy to use. This simplifies all the old practices that make it so difficult sometimes to set up a research journal.

Open Journal System (OJS) is also very popular because this system contains all the information to index the journal according to the current regulations. In addition, all the indexing of journals needed to be professional work.

Another reason is that an accompanying technical support team helps the researcher step by step in setting up his or her journal on Open Journal System.

The maintenance costs of the Open Journal System are very low. This allows researchers to create their own research journals and maintain them.

Open Journal System has a system to obtain the authenticity of the content duly registered and valid worldwide.

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In fact, more than 10,000 journals have used Open Journal System (OJS) worldwide since its creation in 2001, and it is the most widely used open-source journal management system to date. It is a program that can be used, downloaded, and changed freely and without charge.

All these elements make open journal systems so well known to researchers and an effective solution for publishing.

What other advantages does an Open Journal System (OJS) have?

Open access to science is related to the free availability of research content on the Internet, mainly journal articles. In other words, individuals cannot only consult them for free but also download, copy, and print them.

We are talking about a model of dissemination of scientific knowledge that envisages an extreme transformation in the performance of scientific communication.

To achieve this change in thinking, finding all authors or publishing in open-access journals (the so-called golden route) would be necessary. They should also archive articles published in commercial journals in repositories (the “green route”). In this way, using these two complementary sources or tactics, it could be found that open access to science is total.

The virtues of this new model are different, and we have the possibility to group them into three huge sections. 

First of all, making available in open access the results of exploration and scientific publications is a remarkable optimization of the performance of scientific communication. All this is due to the fact that the use of the contents is increased (as they are accessible without barriers). This optimizes the quality of research and allows for a clear cost reduction.

Secondly, open income also directly benefits society by allowing a direct transfer of knowledge to a cheap and popular environment. In addition, barriers between rich and poor countries are dissolved.

Thirdly, open source allows for the reuse of information and data. This is because the contents cede some exploitation rights with which they can build up derived goods and services. However, let’s know a little bit about these benefits:

They offer a lot of accessibility. This means that most scientific journals stored in this database do not require any payment from the reader. This also allows all authors to address a wider audience without incurring greater expense for that purpose. And you also allow the author to reach everywhere with his or her articles and thus allow everyone to read your scientific contributions. 

Speed: The speed with which information travels is also important as scientific knowledge reaches everywhere. This allows OJS to give people results immediately. 

Stimulating more knowledge: When a service of this kind works well, it motivates various researchers to want to contribute at the interface. This generates simultaneously that the fields of exploration are interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary for the good of science. 

Visibility of the creator and the institution he or she represents: The greater the number of eligible people, the greater the popularity of the author and the institution he or she represents. This improves their participatory profile in the world of research. As a result, funding agencies that support research can get a large and prominent database of researchers.

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Is Open Journal System (OJS) useful to researchers?

This tool has grown enormously worldwide. According to KPS figures, Open Journal System (OJS) has grown exponentially over the years.

Location of Journals using Open Journal System

We’re talking about a 12% annual increase, according to the statistics, at least until 2018. All this has left such surprising numbers that different portals dedicated to this topic have been opened on the web.

Now, scientists have technological tools to enhance and share their knowledge with the world.

Why OJSCloud for Open Journal System (OJS)?

This service is vital for the successful publication of a scientific journal. This is because the information is kept in a secure, reliable manner and with the authenticity required by this type of document.

This means that the information is stored in the cloud, and at the same time, several servers are providing you with the data security you are looking for for your scientific journal.

At the same time, it allows you to have high-performance servers that allow all this. As a result, you will get at the same time 99.99% uptime with no server difficulties.

This also means that you will be able to do server maintenance, backups, and system updates. This also protects you from unforeseen events that may occur in your daily routine. But that’s not all; with Open Journal System (OJS) you can also get the following benefits by being part of this project: 

New Journal Setup: This modality allows both researchers and publishers to start their journals in the best way. This allows them not only to use the system to set up their journal easily but also to apply for the ISSN for the journal at no additional cost.

Advanced OJS Hosting in Cloud: This service gives users the security, speed, and accessibility required by any high-profile researcher to produce their scientific journal.

OJS Setup & Upgrade: This feature allows you to generate automatic updates of the scientific journal so that it is always at the forefront. Likewise, it also offers a journal configuration service (OJS 2 and OJS 3) that will allow its configuration and performance in terms of security and optimization.

OJS Theme Development: This feature allows the researcher to develop the appearance of his or her journal setup in the best way. In fact, this type of design is adapted so that the user has a great experience either from his computer or from his smartphone

OJS Plugin Development: This feature allows researchers and publishers to develop custom plugins for their scientific journals. If customers want to extend their functionality using the OJS plugin or integrate it using the OJS API with their internal system, it is possible with an OJS.

OJS Training: That means that people are trained to go through the process of publishing their scientific journal step by step.

Journal Editorial Services: This feature allows you to manage all your editorial services needs. Also, the construction of digital/physical certificates for the authors.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be able to publish your scientific journal professionally and effectively.

Customize any stage of editing your journal and even request your ISSN to give greater prestige to your work.

Trust in the advances of technology and how this can help you generate important contributions to your country or your University Research Center.

Ask about our services. Know all the advantages of an open-source journal system to publish all your scientific findings. Get the security, and reliability, and guarantee that your research work will be unique and highly professional with OJScloud.

We have a dedicated expert team for OJS setup. Within a short period, we can make your journal website live on OJS.

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open journal system

Start a journal with Open Journal System: Step by Step

Many people talk about different systems of journals, but nobody talks much about how to start a new journal.

Therefore, we will talk in-depth about this topic, so you know the steps to follow to start your open-access journal using Open Journal System (OJS).
First, you should know it is easy and simple once you understand the working method. For these reasons, at OJSCloud, we want to explain quickly and easily how a system of this type works for a scientific journal publication.

Before knowing the indexing of the journal process, we should talk about how to begin the process. Given this, we describe a series of steps so you can have a better understanding.

Step 1 – Finding out the name of the journal and the area of research

The first thing an investigator or research center needs to do is know that they will investigate.

Learn how to setup new journal

That is the area of knowledge of the journal to develop the appropriate content. Next, they must be able to choose a good name that will allow them to position themselves in cyberspace and develop the selected area of knowledge.

This will allow the research professionals to develop all the knowledge ramifications for generating new studies.

Also, to contribute new knowledge that will generate new research questions and, therefore, new articles for the journal.

This will also give additional prestige to the research team because they will be very specific in developing the research that will be included in the scientific journal.

Step 2 – Obtain the ISSN for the journal

The scientific journal needs to gain great credibility and support worldwide. For this purpose, it would require an ISSN record to be able to say that its contents are original and have the authenticity of the case.

Obtain the ISSN for the journal

For these reasons, Open Journal System websites allow one to develop an editorial process by requesting the ISSN for the journal.

At the same time, they allow the development of any journal theme that allows the personalization and further professionalization of the content of the scientific journal.

Therefore, obtaining an ISSN for a journal will allow the publishing house and the researchers to obtain the credibility and prestige that scientific work needs.

Step 3 – Find an excellent editorial team

This step is very important if you use a journal management system. The teams are highly trained to help you in the step-by-step editing of the scientific journal to obtain the best possible result.

The team is highly experienced to be able to advise you at any point you require, and only you worry about research.

Also, the editorial team is to provide all the necessary suggestions regarding changes that may be required by the scientific journal, as well as the process of its construction.

Find an excellent editorial team

This makes the journal setup process very friendly. It combines experience with a high domain of technological systems and cloud processes.

Build an excellent website with a peer review admin panel of OJSCloud as per world norms and standards.

All Open Journal System websites can provide a high level of investigative expertise.
This is due to the standardization of their processes, which align with worldwide standards.

This would give the scientific journal more credibility and greater transparency regarding the results of its studies.

It would also standardize the search process for researchers who consult the scientific journal.

It will automatically that many people will want to search the scientific journal you are running to get the necessary knowledge in it.

Automated website with SMS, email support, and online publication

The advantages of having a website of this nature also allow you to automate many processes.

Among this, you can automate your Website with SMS and emails. You can also make your publication online, allowing more speed to the information in cyberspace.

Research houses and independent researchers have a very powerful tool called an open journal System.

It makes all this indexation of journals possible, allowing the greatest generation of knowledge.

Define all policies about an open journal system

The next step in this guide is to define the entire policy of the scientific journal.

This means that the support team will advise you to define all existing guidelines in the research process.

This will give your organization or house of studies a better guide to share the knowledge of the journal.

It also establishes the guidelines of the privacy policies and the use of the data concentrated in the magazine. This is also very important in terms of plagiarism and copyright issues.

It also provides guidelines for the research or consultation process, greatly enriching the experience between who consults the data and who provides it.

Licensing and indexing open journal system

This is another important advantage that every beginner should know when editing a scientific journal. Licensing allows for greater credibility and transparency in the research process results.

It also sets the guidelines for indexing the journal editing process and the infrastructure according to the Scopus and WOS guidelines, to name a few.

Advertise your journal

This guide can not miss the promotion component needed to publicize the journal.

Every researcher or university that wants to position itself in cyberspace must consider what the scientific journal needs to be promoted.

To this end, the Open Journal System websites have all the infrastructure that will allow them to be promoted among the most prestigious communities of researchers.

This is a very important detail in becoming known as a scientific journal.

A Journal Management System allows you to organize all the information properly to give the best possible appearance for the journal. This would facilitate its promotion process in cyberspace.

This guide cannot end without telling you something about OJSCloud

Be part of the community of researchers and publishers who entrust their research to open newspaper systems.

Get to know our team and test their capabilities to make your editing process successful.

Increase the prestige of your scientific journal with all the cloud services we bring to you.

Discover each one of our services, and you will notice the difference you will have for a better editorial experience.

OJSCloud is the One Stop Solution to Starting New Journal using Open Journal System.

We at OJSCloud can make your online open-access journal live in just two weeks. Click below to schedule an appointment with our expert.

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